Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the tuesday question? 6-30-09

Who would win in a fist fight between Gary Busey and Nick Nolte?

I'm just askin'....


Vic Sage said...

Gary Busey might seems to have the upper hand with his biting ability. Those large incisors have brought many a woodland animal to an end when Gary goes out to search for his animal totems.

However I have to say that Nick Nolte would take home the victory as his body since 1985 has stopped feeling any pain whatsoever.

But would not the real victor be us as to see these two titans clash would make one set the Iliad on fire...for everything after would pale in comparison.

Dax said...

The wild card is drugs. If Nick Nolte was on some kind of predatory drug like GHB or Ketamine, which he seems to have a proclivity for, I doubt any of Busey's punches would be able to knock Nick down.

Then the only question is, would Nolte have the presence of mind to actually counter-attack?

So I say if they both were on drugs, the edge slightly goes to Nolte.

Now, if they were both sober at the time...I think Nolte is more of a shit-kicker than Busey. I mean, man, 48 Hours. *Shit-kicker*.

Nolte for the win.

Stewed Hamm said...

Who would win?
Humanity, sir. Humanity.

Wrong said...

The answer is encoded:

LAh Kooma