Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the tuesday question? 12-06-11

If you could go back in time and give your 6 year old self one item from your future, what would it be?

(for the sake of this question, please ignore the possible consequences of a time paradox....relax smarty pants)


DJ said...

A print out of the winning lottery numbers for the next 30 years, and a note to not get too greedy.

Anonymous said...

JPW sez:

AH! This is too complicated for me.

Part of me says...a note telling me not to waste so much time during my 20's.

Part of me says...my toy collection. Because, really, what else was I interested in when I was 6?

Dax said...

A Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) action figure (in the package, of course--so my younger self could look at the other toys on the back).

"This is from 1983! Look--Luke has a GREEN LIGHTSABER in the next movie, isn't that AWESOME??"