Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the tuesday question 05-05-09


Who is the fastest badger alive?

feel free to make stuff up....


Vic Sage said...

It is a proven fact that the mountainous Taxidea Taxus of Mexico, broke all land speed records of 1875 that fall when the badger, known simply as Jose was tasked with the delivery of important documents from William Purcell to his publisher.

Hence the name for a Taxi came from Jose the Badger.

Dax said...

The Badger, from the comic by Mike Baron?


Parson Roscoe said...

Both...EXCELLENT answers...and also, both correct..now, since the question was "Fastest LIVING Badger"....can you explain how a badger from 1875 could still be living?...and how a comic book character could in fact ALSO be a really fast, real live badger?

Vic Sage said...

Heck yeah! Badgers don't die, simple fact. That's why in Mexico you will find they need no stinkin' Badgers.

Stewed Hamm said...

These guys seem to be pretty quick on the draw.

Dax said...

Oh, fasting *LIVING* badger...

...uh, the Chinese ferret-badger (at night only)?

Also, its anal secretions are foul-smelling!